COVID-19 Information

At the Mercantile, your health, safety, and comfort are our top priority. Please read our FAQ’s to understand our current COVID-19 procedures.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

What are the Merc hours?
The Front Desk will be staffed as usual Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.

Are masks required?
We no longer require masks for vaccinated members and guests. We strongly recommend that unvaccinated members and guests continue to wear masks and practice social distancing while in the Mercnatile.

Who will be allowed in?
Existing members and their guests are welcome into Mercantile.

What is the occupancy of conference rooms?
Using state COVID guidelines in the conference rooms, the occupancy is 3 people in Ellis, 4 people in Forde, and 8 people in Ellis-Forde.

Is the Emporium Room available for event rentals?
Events are permitted on a case by case basis. While following state COVID guidelines, we also must protect the health and safety of our Members working in the Mercantile. We will weigh both of these factors when deciding the events that will be hosted in the Emporium Room.

How can Members participate in keeping everyone safe?
Here is some office etiquette that we’re asking Members to adopt and integrate into their routine:
Stay home if you are sick, or if anyone in your immediate family is sick.
If you are unvaccinated, take your temperature before coming to the Mercantile.
Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands when entering the Mercantile.
Clean your personal space daily. Flex Desk Members are asked to clean their areas after each use. 
Clean the phone booth and conference rooms after use with the Lysol and paper towels provided in each booth.
The coffee station now resides in the Emporium Room in an effort to reduce kitchen traffic. 

What happens if the Mercantile doesn’t comply with the Safe Start Plan for Washington State?
Should the state and federal requirements and guidance not be followed, the Mercantile may be forced to close, possibly be subject to criminal charges and/or Consumer Protection Act violations. It is therefore important each Member of our coworking community does their part.